S2, Ep26: Ms. Rona Has Entered the Chat

These are strange times we live in, y’all. At first, it was so exciting. Not just a new year, but a new decade! Things were going to change in a big way, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t what any of us had in mind. First came the memes of WW3, now you can’t swipeContinueContinue reading “S2, Ep26: Ms. Rona Has Entered the Chat”

S2, Ep19: Pass the Tin Foil

This week, Hayley and Kayli aren’t giving up on the truth! After beginning their journey during Hallowpressed, Hayley and Kayli have uncovered even more conspiracy theories to share. This time, Hayley has lizards on the brain! Researching into the insane topic of lizard people, Hayley and Kayli stumbled into some predictions that may have moreContinueContinue reading “S2, Ep19: Pass the Tin Foil”

S2, Ep14: Let’s Talk Conspiracies!

Hope y’all are ready to uncover the truths that the government has tried to hide! This week, Hayley and Kayli share two conspiracy theories and even uncover one for themselves. Have you ever thought about our existence in this universe? Are we all alone or are there otherworldly beings waiting to make contact? Hayley hasContinueContinue reading “S2, Ep14: Let’s Talk Conspiracies!”

S2, Ep6: A Curly Conspiracy!

Are you ready to get tangled into one hairy conspiracy? This week, Hayley and Kayli dug into the world of natural curly hair products and came up with more questions than answers. Is the natural hair community getting scammed by these high prices for natural, curly hair products?  Are we being duped by Instagram modelsContinueContinue reading “S2, Ep6: A Curly Conspiracy!”